For RED women leading from the edge, birthing new worlds through their bodies, hearts, and minds. RED is the origin story of your sovereign power; your fierce tenderness; your graceful wild; your bold, ecstatic birthright. What do you avoid, but secretly yearn to express? What are you devoted to? What fire did you come here to burn? What is the most revealing thing about you that you hide? These are some of the bold questions asked during the Red Podcast. Join kickass, outrageously courageous—and a tad bit naughty—female spiritual leaders discuss their edgy paradoxes, quirks, and desires with host, Elayne Kalila Doughty, MFT, founder of the Priestess Presence Temple.
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Monday Jan 23, 2023
Join Elayne Kalila and Diana DuBrow as they explore the history of women who have been called to be sacred passage guides and death doulas—the ones who hold the veils open between life and death.
Immerse yourself in the incredible temple stories that Diana—an esteemed and precious elder in this tradition—offers us.
…It’s a rare gift to sit at the feet of one who is such a living vessel of wisdom!
Elayne Kalila and Diana share deeply and vulnerably about the death portal and what it means to offer the gift of grace in the face of death.
Here’s some of what they explore in this episode:
Who were the ancient Myrrhophores & why are we being called to remember them at this time?
How are the Myrrhophores & the Magdalenas connected?
What is a Scent Priestess?
Why are we now remembering, as a collective, the holy art of anointing?
Why are so many of us feeling called to the Magdalene path?
How does the ancient role of the priestess fit into our modern world?
To learn more about the Rosa Mystica Mystery School and the Scent Priestess Training:
(We are currently enrolling for our 2023 chrism of sisters - and there is an early bird heart contribution in place until 01/ 26/23)
Elayne Kalila on the web
Diana DuBrow on the web
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Monday Jan 16, 2023
Welcome back to the RED Podcast. We’re so excited to enter our 3rd season at the beginning of a new year!
Get ready for many more riveting, soul searching, deeply activating, catalyzing, and initiating conversations with women who are leading from the edge of their own evolution.
…We laugh, cry, get our tongues tied up, and offer genuine love—from our hearts—to you…
So, let’s open up our new season!
In this episode, Elayne Kalila dives into our relationship to our bodies, our menstrual cycles, our blood, our sense of time, and how we can enter the year in a whole new way.
Get ready to go on quite a ride through what it means for us to INHABIT our female body and listen to the innate rhythm of our own soul journey.
You’ll also be invited into a deeper journey into the Great Mother’s Temple to retrieve the SEEDS that you are being called to more fully embody this year…
Here’s some of what Elayne explores in this episode:
Her-story of finding out why menstruation has been so shamed, and reviled—and how the wisdom of our cyclical nature had been deliberately hidden!
How tuning into the cycles of our bodies, the moon, and the wheel of the year can impact our lives.
Ways to honor the beginning of the year.
How to listen into the “seeds of potential” that lie within you.
Elayne Kalila on the web
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Monday Oct 31, 2022
Join Elayne Kalila as she shares a new spoken word transmission about what it takes to “shed your skin”—or the outgrown parts of yourself. This powerful transmission brings you into the frequency required to release whatever is now complete within you so that you can begin to shine brighter, revealing the radiance of who you’re now becoming.
Some of what she dives in to:
Why do we avoid change?
Why do we deeply fear letting go of who we have been?
How we’re encoded to evolve and transform on every level…
Why we’ve been taught to fear the process of death and rebirth.
Her personal challenges around embracing change.
How she was able to move through the death of her mum while being held in sacred space by others and embracing the Queen of Death & Great Mother.
In this wonderful podcast, Elayne Kalila also candidly speaks out about the power of the 13 Faces of the Divine Feminine (the core of the Enter the Mystery Priestess Initiate Training) and how the map offered by these archetypes supports us on the inevitable journey of life, death, and rebirth.
When practices encoded with the Divine Feminine mysteries are activated, we’re equipped to embrace life's challenges while embracing ourselves in the process.
Elayne Kalila also shares that enrollment and registration is now open for the 2023 circle of women who are called to join for the Enter the Mystery: Priestess Initiate Training, which grounds you in the sacred teachings of the 13 Faces of the Divine Feminine.
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Monday Oct 24, 2022
Monday Oct 24, 2022
The Embodied Goddess—with Lettie Sullivan
Join Elayne Kalila and Lettie Sullivan as they demystify what embodied, divine feminine spirituality really means.
The word embodiment gets spoken about a lot … let’s unpack it together…
During this episode, Lettie and Kalila share deeply potent moments when they’ve realized that their experience of spirituality inside their childhood churches was not fully embodied…
Come with Lettie as she describes other personal stories that gave her access to an embodied spirituality from a femimine lens … and how being in our humanity is key to this.
Here’s some of what they explore in this episode:
How to find your personal spiritual language & experience
The complex feeling that “there must be more than this…”
How to recognize signs that you’re embodying the Goddess
How embodiment leads us into an everyday, practical spirituality that includes our humanity
Free Gift/Offering:
Divine Order Masterclass
Monday Oct 17, 2022
Monday Oct 17, 2022
Monday Oct 17, 2022
Join Elayne Kalila and Syma Kharal as they explore what it means to truly embrace life as an initiation … an initiation to experience more aliveness and love.
Many of us have experienced difficulties in our earlier lives … and the journey to transform these challenges becomes a core part of our life’s work.
How do we embrace the challenges and greatest adversities in our lives so that they become a source of empowerment and growth for us?
Listen to Syma share her incredibly powerful story about learning to embrace her trauma—from a tumultuous, religious and misogynistic upbringing, inside an abusive family—and facing this so she could break away from cultural and religious programming … which then catalyzed her journey to the Goddess.
Here’s some of what they explore in this episode:
How developing a relationship with the Goddess offers us a pathway to profound healing and awakening
How to relate to the Goddesses as not just deities outside of us, but Goddesses that LIVE within us (thi changed everything for Syma)
How to manifest from our feminine Shakti with the Goddesses
Be sure to listen to this very important conversation…
Syma Kharal is a leading international Divine Feminine teacher, healer, speaker, retreat leader, and #1 Amazon bestselling author of "Goddess Reclaimed" and "Manifest Soulmate Love." She is dedicated to empowering soulful women to heal their deepest wounds, manifest their boldest dreams, and flourish in every way.
Syma immersed herself in the healing arts at the age of 14 to overcome the deeply damaging effects of extensive abuse and trauma. In addition to healing herself, her intensive spiritual work led her to co-create a life she never dreamt possible:
Leaving a toxic corporate career to follow her calling.
Manifesting and marrying her soulmate.
Transforming women's lives through her heart's work.
Traveling the world with her beloved husband.
She holds an honors degree with distinction in psychology and a certificate in counseling from the University of Toronto. She is a certified Reiki Master, Yoga, Meditation teacher, Spirit Guide, and Akashic Records coach.
Syma loves nothing more than supporting fellow sisters to do the same—to transcend disempowering patterns, reclaim their full feminine power, and step fully into the Goddesses they truly are.
Free Gift/Offering:
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Episode 28 - ROOTS & RITUALS
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Monday Oct 10, 2022
Join Elayne Kalila and Becca Piastrelli as they explore how to find your way home to yourself in an era of loneliness and separation.
How do we forge a meaningful connection to ourselves, each other, and the land upon which we live?
You’re going to love this powerful conversation where our ancestors and rituals become a pathway back to ourselves and to each other.
Here’s some of what they explore in this episode:
Who are our ancestors, really?
What are some practices to help us connect to our ancestry?
What are some of the rituals that are simple and rooted in our modern lives?
Why do rituals matter & how can we bring them into our modern life?
How do we connect with the magic of cyclical living—and what does this have to do with our ancient, ancestral lines?
Be sure to listen to this very important conversation…
Free Offering/Gift:
Becca Piastrelli writes about her life experiences, facilitates women’s gatherings both virtually and in person, and is the host of the Belonging podcast. She teaches and speaks on the nature of belonging and runs retreats to help women reconnect with their rooted sense of self. She lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband, child, two cats, and five chickens, where she gardens, cooks, mothers, and gathers with the ebb and flow of the seasons.
IG: @beccapiastrelli
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Monday Oct 03, 2022
Join Elayne Kalila and the very special Asha Frost—a powerful Medicine Woman—as they dive into what it means to “walk as medicine” in this world.
During this wonderful, tender, dialogue, you’ll come into the heart of compassion: how we can embrace ourselves in kindness as we navigate this chaotic world … especially when it includes dismantling systems of oppression.
Asha vulnerably shares her journey to step more fully into the healing of her own lineage as a member of the Chippewas of Nawash First Nation—including how she became catalyzed out of her comfort zone by sharing her voice as an indigneous Medicine Woman.
Here’s some of what they explore in this episode:
Stepping out into your truth—and how to build capacity to handle what happens next
What it means to hold medicine, and to walk as medicine in this world
The medicine our world most needs at this time
Generational & ancestral healing
Why it’s so important to connect with your own blood & cultural ancestry— and how this contributes to the collective healing of all
FREE Offering/Gift:
Asha Frost (she/her), is an Indigenous Medicine Woman and a member of the Chippewas of Nawash First Nation. Her ancestors were all stewards of Turtle Island, present since time immemorial.
Asha is the best-selling Author of You are the Medicine and has guided thousands of people through profound and lasting transformation for the past two decades in her work as a healer, homeopath and mentor.
Impacted by generational trauma and colonization, Asha has been on a lifelong journey of reclamation. A lupus diagnosis sent her on a path of studying and practicing a multitude of energy medicine modalities with many guides.
She has blended this life experience with her innate gifts and the wisdom of her Ancestors. She loves sharing her Medicine in powerful ways through Ceremonies, teachings, and speaking events.
Her oracle deck, Sacred Medicine Oracle will be released in 2023 by Hay House.
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Monday Sep 26, 2022
Join Elayne Kalila and Tami Brunk—an incredible shamanic astrologer—as they explore the embedded mystery of the Venus Cycle—one that offers us a blueprint for understanding the deeper journey of “ensoulment.”
Venus, the planet, represents the Goddess of Love. Tami has been teaching the Venus Mysteries for over 12 year and is captivated by her—our “sister” planet.
Come with us as we journey through her light and dark phases—through all parts of the souls journey to incarnation and enoulment.
We dive into the some of the following:
How does Venus’ 584 day cycle between Morning Star and Evening Star guide us to become fully human?
Meet Venus as the Morning Star and the Evening Star
How the Venus Cycle impacts our lives
The differences between those of us born under the Morning Star Venus and Evening Star Venus—truly fascinating stuff!
What it means to be an Earth-Sky woman
Gift Link:
Earth Sky Woman Tami Brunk, MS, BA founder of the Earth Sky Woman Podcast, co-founder of Venus Alchemy is an Earth Mystic, Astrologer and Dream Healer helping world changers, visionaries, healers and earth-lovers empower their work with the ancient tools of Sky Alchemy and Earth Dreaming.
She is a fully Certified Shamanic Astrologer and past president of the Shamanic Astrology Mystery School, and fully certified Active Dreaming Teacher. She is also a certified Permaculture designer, Reiki II Practitioner, co-founder of the Marda Permaculture Farm in the West Bank of Palestine, Co-founder of Urban Ecovillage incubator Querencia Green and longtime ally for indigenous communities.
Her life passion is to empower activists, world changers, healers and pragmatic visionaries through her work with astrology, earth ceremony, dreamwork, and collective Earth Dreaming practices.
Instagram Link:
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Monday Sep 19, 2022
Join Elayne Kalila as she speaks about the Sisterhood of the Rose, who they are, and how they’re here to serve the awakening of humanity at this seminal time—and what Venus, the Magdalene, and Inanna’s descent all have to do with this.
It’s through deepening into our humanity—our fallibility and imperfections—that we access deeper spirituality and connection to the Divine.
You’ll want to listen to Elayne Kalila’s deeply personal story of being thrown into the underworld after having a miscarriage, and how this catalyzed the birth of the Priestess Presence Temple.
Some of what she dives in to:
What is it to awaken as fully human, or to become anthropos?
What are the threads that each one of us hold that help us to remember the Divine Feminine?
How does the underworld journey serve us in becoming more compassionate, heartfelt, and kind in our lives?
A free call you can attend if you want to learn more about the connection between Mary Magdalene and the underworld journey
Mary Magdalene's Journey of Feminine Embodiment: How Her Descent Into the Underworld Can Inspire Your Own Awakening
Register here:
And in October she will begin to teach a brand new offering with the Shift Network (so stay tuned!).
Monday Sep 12, 2022
EPISODE 24 - The Power of Venus
Monday Sep 12, 2022
Monday Sep 12, 2022
Join Elayne Kailila and Rose Lineage Priestess Annbel Du Boulay as they trace the ancient history and pre- history of the Rose lineage.
In this fascinating discussion they dive into the connection between the Venus cycle, the Myth of Inanna and Erishkagel, Demeter and Persephone and the Myth of Sophia.
Annabel shares her own powerful story of initiation through the birth of her 1st and 3rd children who were both born with serious health conditions that plunged her into the most intense underworld journey. She shares how this initiated her on the path of Sophia, and the Rose mysteries.
Here’s some of what they explore in this episode:
The connection that weaves it way between Venus, Innana, Demeter and Sophia
The Venus journey from Morning Star to Evening Star
The power of the Venus Rose
What it is to live life as the initiation
What it is to awaken through the underworld journey
Annabel Du Boulay is the Founder of The Avalon Rose Chapel® and a Rose Priestess of Avalon with over 30 years of embodied experience and academic research in the Rose and Celtic Lineages, including 22 years journeying on the Holy Isle of Avalon.
She is an international teacher, speaker and author of the witch-burnings novel The Serpent’s Tale, and runs an extensive online and in-person events programme, including The Avalon Rose Priestess & Practitioner Trainings with Pilgrimages to Glastonbury and Sicily, as well as The Rose Moon Membership journeying with the Venus Cycle.
The RED Women